- Bycatch-reduction in the Black Sea: CONCETA Project Book (Engl. / Turkish)
- EMFF Story: voluntary protection of porpoises and diving ducks in the Baltic. European Commission
- Bycatch reduction thanks to research in dolphinariums and other whale husbandries - Zoos-media
- Research at zoos and aquariums is important for bycatch reduction -
- Porpoise Alarm Project - TI-Ostseefischerei
- Acoustic protection for marine mammals: new warning device PAL - Low Impact Fishers of Europe
- No contradiction between gillnet fisheries and environmental protection - Fischereischutzverband Schleswig-Holstein
- Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
COP12 “inflight magazine”, TRACKS. Download PDF of article here. - Acoustic protection for marine mammals: new alerting device PAL
DAGA, 2017, Kiel. Download PDF of article here. - Porpoise alerting device (PAL)
Proceedings of the 4th PMCE Conference 2015. Download PDF of article here. - Preveting net entanglement of porpoises - Kieler Nachrichten
- Alerting signals for whales - Flensburger Tageblatt
- Ultrasonic device to protect porpoises from nets - Augsburger Allgemeine
- Alerting clicks - Frankfurter Allgemeine
- Ultrasound alerts porpoises and prevents extinction -
- New device protects whales from fishing nets - National Geographic
- Overfishing and bycatch: What can be done ? - BR
- Harbour porpoise by-catch in "W" - ARD
- Kiel Fjord - Mermaids, Mini-Whales and Sailors- MARE TV, NDR
- Whales on our coasts - ARD
- Porpoises better protected from drowning - WDR 5 Leonardo
- Alerting porpoises to nets - NDR1 Welle Nord